Every night, I went online to admire this watch...until I cannot tahan liao...Pick up the courage go to Tampines mall with my brother & buy it... I never regretted buying this watch as it is a really good watch!
Monday, November 26, 2007
My New Watch - Ball
Every night, I went online to admire this watch...until I cannot tahan liao...Pick up the courage go to Tampines mall with my brother & buy it... I never regretted buying this watch as it is a really good watch!
Cosmobeaute Indonesia 2007 - Chong's Beauty Pte Ltd
It's still quite early that's why no customer around. The main aim for participating in this trade show is to look for agent in Jakarta to distribute our products in Indonesia & branding of Chong's Beauty.
The Director is performing product demostration to customers...
I'm busy taking photos.... :P
Saturday, November 24, 2007
Just another update of my fucking self...
The colleagues there are nice people (up to now after observing for a week)... That's all I have for this update... And before I forget, I'm getting married next month...& my future wife wrote me an email stating that..."Time to suffer under my hands... haha..." after receiving the Acknowledgment for Notice of Marriage Filed email...shit...this time die lah..................... WHY I SO KUMLANZ.COM???
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Wedding Package = Wallet hurts
$6000 can buy myself a 2nd hand Rolex watch, maybe 3 Ball watches, maybe 2 good notebooks...sianz
Warning!!! Do not go to this Santiago wedding studio...It's damn expensive!!! Seems like the original package that I signed up is shitty(Kena con!!! Which they never tell you that the album is the very very old type!!!)...that's why you have to upgrade your package to a nicer photo album. That cost extra $$$. Then each extra photos adds on to the cost...that's why total amount=$6000. REALLY KUMLANZ.COM
My wallet hurts...
Friday, November 16, 2007
Recently, I have been listening to 大悲咒 ( Great Compassion Mantra). This will be very surprising for most people who know my character. I always curse & swear people until jia lat jia lat... But by listening to this 大悲咒, it soothe my mood. My darling always say that when I'm driving, I'm like a commentator... always curse & swear at other drivers that cut into my lane without signalling, tailgating me, high beaming behind me, taxi driver, blah blah blah... But when I'm listening to 大悲咒 while driving, I don't curse that much & my mood is better. She say this calm me down when I'm driving. So she say I must always listen to this & recite it to control my fury temper.
na mo da bei guan shi yin pu sa ( recite 3 times)
qian shou qian yan guan shi yin pu sa guang da yuan man wu ai da bei xin tuo luo ni.
na mo he la da nuo. duo la ye ye. na mo e li ye. po lu jie di. shuo bo la ye. pu ti sa duo po ye. mo he sa duo po ye. mo he jia lu ni jia ye. an. sa pan la fa yi. shu da nuo da xie. na mo xi ji li duo yi meng e li ye. po lu ji di - shi fo la leng tuo po. na mo nuo la jin chi. xi li mo he pan duo sha mi. sa po e tuo dou shu peng. e shi yun. sa po sa duo - na mo po sa duo - na mo po qie. mo fa te dou. da zhi tuo. an e po lu xi. lu jia di. jia luo di. yi xi li. mo he pu ti sa duo. sa po sa po. mo la mo la. mo xi mo xi li tuo yun. ju lu ju lu jie meng. du lu du lu fa she ye di. mo he fa she ye di. tuo la tuo la. di li ni. shi fo la ye. zhe la zhe la. mo mo fa mo la. mu di li. yi xi yi xi. shi nuo shi nuo. e la shen - fo la she li. fa sha fa shen. fo la she ye. hu lu hu lu mo la. hu lu hu lu xi li. suo la suo la. xi li xi li. su lu su lu. pu ti ye - pu ti ye. pu tuo ye pu tuo ye. mi di li ye. nuo la jin chi. di li se ni nuo. po ye mo nuo. suo po he. xi tuo ye. suo po he. mo he xi tuo ye. suo po he. xi tuo yu yi. shi pan la ye. suo po he. nuo la jin chi. suo po he. mo la nuo la. suo po he. xi la seng e mo qu ye. suo po he. suo po mo he e xi tuo ye. suo po he. zhe ji la e tuo ye. suo po he. bo tuo mo jie xi tuo ye. suo po he - nuo la jin chi pan qie la ye. suo po he. mo po li sheng jie la ye. suo po he. mo po li sheng jie la ye. suo po he. na mo he la da nuo duo la ye ye. na mo e li ye. po lu ji di. shuo pan la ye. suo po he. an. xi dian du. man duo la. ba tuo ye. suo po he.