Another time... oso smrt cab... me wife say she wants to go one raffles quay... then this stupid cab driver damn asshole... his cashcard no $$$... then he kay siao... move off liao...then say:" ai ya... no cashcard leh....can let me go petrol station to top up can???" ... lan lan...my wife got to wait for him while the meter is still running....really knnz rite?
Then today... she took a cab again...this time this cab driver (smart) oso no cash card... but atleast he say cash card bo lui... then he let me wife gets off...then me wife took another cab (trans)... 1st time me wife ask the cab driver is:" got cashcard????" Cabby:"huh? must pay cash!!! no credit card!!!" Wife:" no no!!! ur cash card got $$$???" Cabby:" Orrrr.... have!!! I have 3 cash cards!!! Go where?" Wife:" 1 raffles quay." Then along the way at Nicoll highway... Cabby:"u want to drop off at cityhall???" Wife:" WAT???? I WANT TO GO 1 RAFFLES QUAY!!! NOT 1 RAFFLES LINK!!!"