Friday, September 01, 2006

Power Station (Singapore Biennale 2006)

Its Singapore Biennale 2006 today. I was the chauffer for 2 pretty flyer chics. [Mmmmm...will my ears be pulled by my gf?] Anyway, I was in this arty farty thing call the POWER STATION. It's a public art project by Stefano Cagol. I think he is trying to bring a message across to the public about sense of belonging, nationalism, economy & global village.

This project will feature a white van spotting "POWER STATION", traveling and stopping at various spot throughout the island. During each stop, the national anthems of selected countries will emanate[wah lau...i use so powderful words!!!of cos not me lah...i copy 1 lah!!] from the van.
Then hor... the flyer girls will give out flyers [of cos lar!!! then give mee siam mai hum ar???] & badges bearing all the hor...if you see this van please say "hi" friendly...& of course... SMILE!!! & don't tekan(make things difficult) the flyer girls...they stand the whole damn day leh... you try lor! Stand there give flyers under the hot sun lor...see you die a not?

Errrr.....anyway...for more information, please visit: or the artist website at

(note: I'm trying to be more cultural leh...please don't drop nuclear bombs in my comment...)

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