Friday, December 22, 2006

Foggy Day in 天津!!!

Wednesday, 13th of December2006, what a foggy day!!! I can hardly see the building infront of me! Visibility is very bad & it was a damn cold day!!! I got to travel to 塘沽 to meet up with customer. Damn sianz... roads were frozen or icy (whatever you call it...I dun care), snow were on the road side...

Once reached my customer site, got to call the customer & let her talk to the guard before the guard allowed me to exchange my I.D for a visitor pass. It was so cold that day!!!

I will always remember this day because I have no lunch & dinner till 10pm... damn cold & hungry! 这是应为customer cock up the production & we, the supplier jialat!!! No food & drinks for the bloody whole day!!!

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