Sorry for not updating my blog! Too busy with my boring life & my new job...
Recently, My neighbour got into trouble with the local loan shark... to my knowledge, my neighbour is a high ranking army ociffer
(pronounce as or-see-fur by local males singaporean) & his wife is working in gahmen sector. They owned 3 cars and I believed that that was an misunderstanding... I'm not sure whether the loan shark did this or it's his men who did this. I believed that they both have no problem with their finance & they are innocent. Whoever did this should think whether it's right to do it. If I pour paint to your doors...how will you feel? Or I hang a pig's head on your gate, how will you feel about it?
If these guys go study in lasalle or nayang academic of fine arts, I'm sure that they will have a future in it as their "art work" tell us that it's quite arty farty...
Sorry guys... my mosaic skill is pretty lousy...I'm no artist!!! :P