Every Sunday, everywhere carpark full... this picture shows that a car that was parked on a curb because of no lot. HDB should do something about this! Even residents staying there got no lot to park! This is because of the Crab King lar...what is so nice about that stupid crab kopi tiam? To add the matter worst, the temple that was near this carpark got festive thingy going on!Even the SPC petrol kiosk also barred up the area to prevent cars from parking inside the station.
Residents have to park their cars on double yellow line & in risk of getting a fine from those 小老鼠!!!
picture quite bad quality leh... couldn't see a thing. that explains why these ppl don't get summons right? cos... the aunties coudn't see them.
complain to your MP!
tat bahyee zo bo 1 lah... complain oso no use 1 lah...
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