Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Scary moment with the dentist!!!

I went to a dentist today as I'm having discomfort & pain on my gum. The dentist then start injecting & using all kind of tools to remove my molar. After sometime, blood spilled all over...I got a bloody mouth!!! The dentist told me to get up & go take x-ray. After the x-ray, the dentist told me that I have to go for surgical means of getting out 1 of the roots as the root is deep in & very very near to my nose (they call it sinus root). The dentist then explain to me that there is risk involve. There is a chance that I might lose my sight. There was a case where this patient went for the same surgery. He lost his ability to see after 6 months. So far that's the only case.

Hope I won't be the next!!!


ws said...

is it a must to remove the sinus root?
what are the risks of not removing? said...

the bloody mouth will be infected...

ws said...

be positive lah, dun keep thinking of that one case out of so many successful cases.... all dee best said...

Thanks everyone for the care & concern!!!